The View from TUS: Collecting Moments on Tour

20 Jul

I am still stunned that it is ALREADY late July and that I am sitting at the breakfast table where we kicked off this great adventure back in April. The last few months are like sand in my loose fingers, passing much too quickly for my liking.

Since April, we’ve been lucky enough to have had some great photographers on board with us

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(the lovely Lindsay Giles McWilliams and the darling Sarah Law) to help us document our travels. But over the last few weeks, I’ve been trying find a way to capture the memories of just the places we stay. To create a little private log just for myself of the floors and couches we’ve slept on and those kind-hearted people who have provided them. Those who have given us sleeping spaces as well as towels, coffee shop recommendations and the hugs to keep us going. I thought about photographing a single thing – the same small thing – at each location that would identify the uniqueness of each person and place. Some little clever item that would help me recall and define each moment/situation. As getting to meet these amazing people and being able to step ever so briefly into their lives is absolutely one of my most favorite parts of touring, I want find a way to keep those memories just as sharp as the others.

I haven’t collected any photos yet but in my search to find that perfect element to photograph I re-discovered this video. Jeff Harris has been taking a self-portrait every single day for the last TWELVE years. Each photo – and not just the image but the practice of taking that photo everyday – is a way to pause and revel in the experience of just being alive. I love his story (it’s more than just the photos) and it reminds me again of how lucky we are and how precious these moments have been. I couldn’t be more grateful for each one. I’ll work on my own photo log of our temporary tour homes but until then, watch this:


Jeff Harris: 4,748 Self-Portraits and Counting from We Know Music on Vimeo.



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